QUOTE: Life is a journey, not a destination.

Ferris Sweep Keyboard

Building my own "Ferris Sweep" 34-key split-keyboard

19. Oct 2023 toc: disabled view: slim
My Ferris Sweep Keyboard


# install qmk
brew install qmk/qmk/qmk

brew tap osx-cross/avr
brew install avr-gcc

brew install --cask gcc-arm-embedded

qmk setup

# install vial
git clone https://github.com/vial-kb/vial-qmk.git
cd vial-qmk

make git-submodules

NOTE: Install instructions are for MacOS M2


# flash left side
qmk flash -kb ferris/sweep -km claw-sweeper -e CONVERT_TO=helios -bl uf2-split-left

# flash right side
qmk flash -kb ferris/sweep -km claw-sweeper -e CONVERT_TO=helios -bl uf2-split-right

After each flash press the RESET button on the board for a few seconds.


My keymap config can be found here: claw-sweeper.

The "claw-sweeper" keyboard layout
