QUOTE: Enjoy small things, cherish moments.

aoc_2015_1_1.c - aoc - Advent of Code challenges


Advent of Code challenges
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aoc_2015_1_1.c (267B)

      1 #include <string.h>
      3 long perform(char *data) {
      4   (void) data;
      5   int len = strlen(data);
      6   long floor = 0;
      7   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      8     char c = data[i];
      9     if (c == '(') {
     10       floor++;
     11     }
     12     if (c == ')') {
     13       floor--;
     14     }
     15   }
     16   return floor;
     17 }