QUOTE: Be your own kind of beautiful.

menu.c - freezo - A retro platform game


A retro platform game
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menu.c (2717B)

      1 #include <stdlib.h>
      3 #include "../lib/raylib.h"
      4 #include "../include/menu.h"
      5 #include "../include/util.h"
      6 #include "../include/const.h"
      7 #include "../include/game.h"
      8 #include "../include/level.h"
     10 menu_t *menu_create(void) {
     11   menu_t *menu = malloc(sizeof(menu_t));
     12   menu->idx = 0;
     13   return menu;
     14 }
     16 void menu_update(menu_t *menu, game_t *game) {
     17   (void) menu;
     18   if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ESCAPE)) {
     19     game->state = STATE_GAME;
     20   }
     21   if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_Q)) {
     22     game->quit = true;
     23   }
     24   // if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_W)) {
     25   //   if (menu->idx > 0) {
     26   //     menu->idx--;
     27   //   }
     28   // }
     29   // if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_S)) {
     30   //   if (menu->idx < 2) {
     31   //     menu->idx++;
     32   //   }
     33   // }
     34   // if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) {
     35   //   switch (menu->idx) {
     36   //     case 0:
     37   //       game->state = STATE_GAME;
     38   //       break;
     39   //     case 1: {
     40   //       if (game->level != LEVEL_NULL) {
     41   //         level_e level = game->level->type;
     42   //         int max_health = game->player->max_health;
     43   //         level_unload(game);
     44   //         level_load(game, level);
     45   //         game->player->max_health = max_health;
     46   //         game->player->health = max_health;
     47   //         game->victory = false;
     48   //         game->defeat = false;
     49   //       }
     50   //       game->state = STATE_GAME;
     51   //       break;
     52   //     }
     53   //     case 2:
     54   //       game->quit = true;
     55   //       break;
     56   //     default:
     57   //       break;
     58   //   }
     59   // }
     60 }
     62 void menu_draw(menu_t *menu, game_t *game) {
     63   (void) menu;
     64   (void) game;
     65   DrawRectangle(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, (Color) { 0, 0, 0, 125 });
     66   // int shift = 20;
     67   // DrawRectangle(WINDOW_WIDTH / 2.0 - 100, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2.0 - 75 + shift - 10, 200, 150, (Color) { 50, 50, 50, 255 });
     68   // DrawTextureRec(
     69   //   game->assets.images,
     70   //   (rect_t) { 0, 0, 56 * SCALE, 28 * SCALE },
     71   //   pos_snap((pos_t) { WINDOW_WIDTH / 2.0 - 3.5 * TILE_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2.0 - 115 }),
     72   //   WHITE
     73   // );
     74   // text_draw((pos_t) { WINDOW_WIDTH / 2.0, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2.0 - FONT_HEIGHT / 2.0 - 30 + shift }, "RESUME", TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, game);
     75   // text_draw((pos_t) { WINDOW_WIDTH / 2.0, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2.0 - FONT_HEIGHT / 2.0 + shift }, "RESTART", TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, game);
     76   // text_draw((pos_t) { WINDOW_WIDTH / 2.0, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2.0 - FONT_HEIGHT / 2.0 + 30 + shift }, "QUIT", TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, game);
     77   // pos_t cursor_pos = (pos_t) {
     78   //   .x = WINDOW_WIDTH / 2.0 - 70,
     79   //   .y = WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2.0 - FONT_HEIGHT / 2.0 - 30 + menu->idx * 30 + shift,
     80   // };
     81   // DrawTextureRec(
     82   //   game->assets.font,
     83   //   texture_rect(0, 4, FONT_WIDTH, FONT_HEIGHT),
     84   //   pos_snap(cursor_pos),
     85   //   WHITE
     86   // );
     87 }
     89 void menu_free(menu_t *menu) {
     90   free(menu);
     91 }